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First ball with participation of lyceum students, students and teachers has taken place in Donetsk


Today, on January 24, in  "Shakhtar Plaza" hotel complex the festive action "Its majesty the ball" took place.

Lyceum balls are traditionally held in Donetsk. At the same time the present holiday which took place on the eve of Students' Day at the initiative of lyceum boarding school at DonNU and with assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science became the first in its own way, as choreographic abilities were shown not only by pupils of lyceums, but also by students and even teachers.

The audience was welcomed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic Larisa Polyakova.

"I am very pleased that the ball started and I am sure that it will annually take place in such expanded format. I think that our little friends, who are for the first time at a similar action, will feel pride in it. We bring up younger generation in traditions of the Russian world, Russian people, and today's ball is its confirmation. It is joyful to watch lyceum students, students and teachers participate in this holiday of music, dance and grace. Let this atmosphere of a holiday last as long as possible. I congratulate you, I wish you peace, fun, good and health!" - the Minister noted.

Staffs of many educational institutions became participants of the ball. They are Republican comprehensive lyceum boarding school at DonNU, Donetsk national university, Donetsk Higher All-Troops Command College, Republican lyceum with the strengthened military and physical training named after G. Beregovoy, Donetsk academy of internal affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR, Donbass legal academy, Donetsk musical college named after S. Prokofiev, 450 people in all. And pupils of the orphanage "Teremok" were the youngest participants.

The polonaise executed by 200 people opened the ball. Then there were a waltz, a polka, a minuet and other dances. All attendees learned about traditions of the ball, history of dances and origin of their names. Besides, verses and romances sounded. Larisa Polyakova not only congratulated all on a bright event, but also easily turned in the waltz.

The atmosphere of the ball carried away everybody and everyone will for certain remember the holiday.

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