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Science-policy interface: 38 enterprises and the organizations have shown the best practices at the exhibition of unique achievements in the field of safety and labor protection of the Republic coal branch


On April 20 in the showroom of "Donbass Arena" scientists and production workers presented the projects aimed at providing safe extraction of black gold of the Republic within the Republican exhibition "Science and Industry Achievements— 2018". 

The First deputy Minister of education and science of the DPR Mikhail Kushakov did the exhibition.

- Expositions level increases every year, this year many unique projects which can be successfully introduced in production are being presented, - Mikhail Nikolaevich stated.

One of them is a coal-mining combine of the enterprise "Progress". It is made by request of "Makeevugol" and after the exhibition it will be sent to "Kholodnaya Balka" Mine's longwall. And practical application of a special computer system allows, as authors of the project, representatives of department of technosphere safety of the Donbass national academy of construction and architecture stated, on the basis of mathematical model to react instantly to emergencies and to make optimal solutions on airing. Development of scientists of higher education institution is very effective and is already applied at 50 coal enterprises both in the Republic, and abroad.

Each enterprise participant of the exhibition showed its vision of solution of tasks. For example, the particular directorate is engaged in environmental issues, labor protection, civil protection at the republican enterprise "Regional Power Supplying Company", said the deputy. CEO Eduard Armatov. And among tasks which are set for scientific DONUGI by the leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic priority is research of condition of the coal industry in general. These are volumes of coal reserves, condition of developments, equipment, human reserves, social factors. Scientists have to give the forecast of branch condition for the next 10 years, the director of institute Evgeny Dubov emphasized.

Today pulse of science is defined by professionals. They form intellectual potential of the Republic. And according to the Acting Minister of coal and power industry of the DPR Anatoly Nesterenko, their warm, creative approach to the business, to people, to their soil will help branch to work, develop steadily science and protect the most expensive thing - human life.

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