KBSU is known to be a large university complex which represents a new type of educational establishment and unites diverse and multilevel educational institutions implementing educational programs of higher, secondary, postgraduate and additional professional education. Kabardino-Balkarian State University has made and continues to make a great contribution to training of highly qualified personnel not only for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, as well as for other regions of the Russian Federation and for the near and far abroad countries.
On the basis of this agreement, the parties recognize that their scientific, educational, methodological, personnel and logistics capabilities through joint efforts to establish long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation in organizing joint activities for the implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education with the use of network forms according to the Federal Law On Education in the Russian Federation.
As part of the network interaction, it is planned to develop and implement basic and additional professional educational programs, organize interlibrary cooperation, introduce e-learning and distant learning technologies in the educational process. The parties will exchange leading teachers to increase the academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical personnel, conduct joint long-term research programs and projects, as well as create distributed systems for training scientific and pedagogical personnel, as well as scientific and methodological support for a continuous level system of teacher training with regional areas of responsibility.
The higher educational institutions will be able to form a personnel resource so that each of the parties to the agreement can effectively work primarily on the main master’s degree programs, training programs for research and educational personnel, as well as doctoral studies, organize and conduct joint scientific, sports and cultural events.
The agreement enables the parties to establish partnerships in all areas of the activities of educational institutions, promotes creating unified information, as well as scientific, educational and cultural environment. It is another example of strengthening the integration process between the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Russian Federation.