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DonNTU scientists took part in an online seminar held by Saint-Petersburg Mining University


On Tuesday, May 19, Saint-Petersburg Mining University together with the international centre of competence in mining education under UNESCO auspices held a video conference on one of the most urgent issues discussed in the scientific community, that is “Hydrocarbons. Looking into the future”.

Professor Vladimir Litvinenko, Rector of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University, held the seminar and made a report. More than 800 people have registered to participate, including the representatives of the Government and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, leading scientists, well-known political and public figures.

The representatives of Donetsk National Technical University took an active part in the event, among them Alexander Anoprienko, Rector of the University, Artur Karakozov, first Vice-rector, and Sergey Borshchevsky, Vice-rector for science. Along with them, there were scientists of the mining and geological, mining, electrical engineering faculties, as well as those of the faculty of computer science and technology.

During the seminar, they raised the issues of changing gas and oil markets, the current state and prospects for the use of hydrocarbons for the next 20-30 years, the development of liquefied natural gas and hydrogen energy, and the use of the latest technologies.


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