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"Yunpress" club of the Donetsk Republican Palace of children's and youthful creativity has celebrated the 30-year anniversary


On Sunday, January 29, the Yunpress Club of the Donetsk Republican Palace of children's and youthful creativity solemnly celebrated its 30-year anniversary.

The festive action was attended by the deputy minister of science and education Irina Simonova who warmly congratulated heroes of the anniversary and thanked Club for that huge and long-term work in which his heads and pupils are engaged: "30 years are a little for anniversary, - Irina Vasilyevna noted, - but for club, which works as part of additional education, it is a very significant figure.

Thanks to founders of Club who could inspire the pupils so that it has already been in demand for 3 decades. The club is important, the club is interesting in our Republic, it helps to raise and bring up conscious and active youth".

Irina Simonova on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science handed to Yunpress Club the Certificate of honor for long-term and fruitful work, creating favorable conditions for children and younger generation.

The club was created by the devotee, the professional journalist and the talented teacher Maya Sergienko who since 1987 for 25 years headed and directed work of young journalists - yunpressovets. Tamara Velichko, Honored Educator  who stood at the origins of creation of the Club together with Maya Filippovna in due time shared with guests of a holiday the reminiscence about this remarkable person and history of creation of yunpress' movement.

Also Natalya Pershina, the deputy director of department of the state information policy of the Ministry of information of the DPR came to congratulate the Club; Victor Petrenko, Chairman of the Union of journalists of the Donetsk People's Republic, Head of the 1 Republican television channel, Victor Vovenko, honored journalist, senior lecturer of journalism department of the Donetsk national university, teacher of current heads of club.

Among pupils of club more than 50 people became professional journalists, more than 100 people became students of profile higher education institutions, the total quantity of its graduates is over 1000. Today Yunpress Club is proceeding and developing its activities, it is directed by Alexey Yakel who is its graduate".

The club actively cooperates with the system of additional education of the Republic, now 52 youth correspondents are studying there, its pupils are issuing the officially registered "Dzhem" newspaper that young correspondents create by their own efforts: they write materials, do imposition. Children study computer technologies of the publishing direction and after three years' training take examination, receiving the certificate of the state sample on additional education according to the program of Yunpress club - "Fundamentals of journalism" and "Operator of computer imposition and set". The Yunpress Club has been the real press center of the Palace of children's and youthful creativity for many years, providing photo and video filming of all mass actions.

The guests of the action got familiar with the videos created by yunpressovets and telling about their work, history of movement which continues in the Donetsk People's Republic. Congratulations from youth correspondents of organizations of additional education of Kirovsky district of the city of Donetsk, Thorez's cities and Makiivka, arrived together with their heads to congratulate the Club spoke for it.

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