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Larisa Polyakova has summed up the results of work of the DPR Ministry of Education and Science in 2017


On Tuesday, January 30, the Board of the DPR Ministry of Education and Science, where the head of department Larisa Polyakova made a report on the work done in 2017, took place in the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Minister of Education and Science reported about performance of the major tasks of state level: development of the strategy of education in the Donetsk People's Republic; statement of a package of measures directed to improve state policy in the field of development, protection and support of Russian; realization of the prime objects and tasks of implementation of the Humanitarian program for Donbass people reunification; involvement of the public and expert community to discussion of science and education issues; development of modern system  education quality assessment based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, public and professional participation.

The most important results of work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic, the organizations and institutions of an education system and science in 2017 were also covered in the report.

"55 522 children are being brought up and taught in preschool educational institutions. It is 6 thousand more than in 2016, and 7 200 people more than in 2015. Besides, 7 preschool educational institutions opened and resumed their work in 2017.

The most important results of work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic, the organizations and institutions of an education system and science in 2017 were also covered in the report.

"55 522 children are being brought up and taught in preschool educational institutions. It is 6 thousand more than in 2016, and 7 200 people more than in 2015. Besides, 7 preschool educational institutions opened and resumed their work in 2017.

 Oral examinations as one of methods of increase in students motivation for educational activity have been introduced In the system of the general secondary education end-of-year; concepts of philological, historical, mathematical, inclusive training have been developed and passing a stage of approbation; innovative educational complexes at universities have been created; subjects such as "Social studies" for 8-11th forms students; "Lessons of Donbass civic consciousness" for 1-11th forms students have been introduced into the student course; study guides, multimedia complexes in subjects  "Lessons of  Donbass civic consciousness", "Fatherland History", "Initial military, medical and sanitary preparation", "Chemistry" have been developed, approved and are being put in place; the Regulation on advisory council on educational editions certificate verification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic has been approved and a number of educational and methodical editions of teachers of the DPR have been admitted to examination. The students body in the general education organizations has increased by 3 300 people in comparison with previous academic year and makes 140 994 students.

More than 2400 children go to 23 organizations of vocational education subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR. Among them there are 44 children from cities and regions of Donbass temporarily under control of Ukraine. Uglegorsk special boarding school No.6, where orphan children and children deprived of parental care study, started after recovery work and for the first-time classes have been opened for blind and visually impaired children in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic. A public institution of additional education "Republican center of additional education for blind and visually impaired children and adults" has started its work.

The students body of institutions of the highest professional education makes 47348 people that is 2,5 thousand more than in 2014. The comparative analysis of the students body in the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year showed an increase by 4262 students in comparison with the same period of the 2016-2017 academic year.

More than 16 thousand people became first-year students of HPE educational organizations in 2017 academic year, from them 475 students arrived for training within implementation of the Humanitarian program for reunification of Donbass people from the cities and areas temporarily under control of Ukraine.

2 new educational organizations of high professional education were opened: Institute of civil protection of Donbass seceded from Donetsk national technical university followed by creation of public educational Institution of higher professional education Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR; the public educational institution of higher professional education Donbass Agrarian Academy was created in 2017, - Larisa Polyakova summed up.

The head of department of certification of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and scientific staff of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR Igor Masyuchenko told about realization of state policy in the sphere of preparation scientific, research and educational personnel in a postgraduate study (graduate military course), doctoral studies, highly trained staff in assistantship training and internship of the Donetsk People's Republic. "In 2017-2018 academic year there was enrollment of 191 persons, from them 69 on internal and 122 on extramural studies on training in programs of scientific and research and educational personnel preparation in postgraduate study of the organizations/institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic. The actual enrollment made 86,5% of the planned target figures of enrollment in postgraduate study", - the speaker stated, having emphasized that for two years indicators of degree-credit enrollment have been stable and make about 86% of the planned figures.

At the end of the meeting the Minister of Education and Science Larisa Polyakova handed the congratulatory address from the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko to the rector of the Gorlovka institute of foreign languages Svetlana Kochetova on the occasion of her anniversary.

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