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The Rest of a Group of Children of the Donetsk People’s Republic in Snyegiri Health Complex in Moscow Region, Russia


Within the framework of the charity event “Children of Russia to Children of Donbass”, 145 children of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the welfare beneficiaries from Donetsk, Makeevka, Torez, Zhdanovka, Kirovskoye, Shakhtyorsk, Telmanovskiy and Amvrosievskiy districts had a rest in Snyegiri Health Complex of the Department of Presidential Affairs  of the Russian Federation.

The health session lasted for 12 days − from June 4 to June 17. Snyegiri complex, located in a picturesque area of Moscow region, has hosted children of our Republic several times already and provided them with a productive rest. Children’s leisure time included a variety of activities with the possibility of visiting entertainment and sports grounds, play centers and swimming pools. Children were glad to visit the Crocus City Oceanarium which is the unique and largest not only in Moscow, but also in the European part of Russia. They saw various species of underwater flora and fauna, as well as ground exotic animals there.

The children also got a lot of wonderful impressions in the Experimentanium Museum and Zelenopark City of Masters. The children also had a sightseeing tour of Moscow, visited the Red Square and the famous Vorobyovy Gory. Young residents of the Republic saw a circus performance, and especially the children liked the visit to Kidburg, an educational and entertainment center, where it is possible not only to have a good time and fun with friends, but also to understand what it is like to be an adult. Kidburg is the children’s city of professions, a real “adult world” in miniature, where children are able to choose their favorite thing to do and understand what satisfaction work can bring when a person does what he likes.

Such trips touch children’s feelings, and they always want to go back there again and again. This trip was financed from the Republican budget, with accommodation and meals covered at the expense of the host country. On the eve of the group’s departure, the crew of the Krasnaya Liniya channel from the Russian Federation prepared a report about our children, who were going on a trip to Moscow region. During the entire camp session journalists communicated with the children, and in autumn, they are going to present a documentary film about the rest of Donbass children in Snyegiri.

Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
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