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Additional Education for Adults

Natalia Kaidash, a Russian language and literature teacher at General Medical Lyceum-pre-university of the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, took part in the Forum of pedagogical skills organized for native language teachers. She became the winner of the extramural competition of pedagogical skills held within the framework of the forum.

On Monday, October 19, the career enhancement training for university lecturers of educational organizations of the Donetsk People’s Republic started out. The training, based on the State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute”, was held in a remote format for those who teach Russian language and literature and History.

On Monday, February 12, opening of the final stage of the Republican contest of professional skill of teachers of "45 minutes of fame" took place at Donetsk republican institute of additional pedagogical education.

On May 26, the meeting of teachers of the Donetsk People's Republic with the associate professor of philosophy, history and cultural science of the Astrakhan state technical university Maxim Rudenko took place in State educational institution of additional professional education "Donetsk republican institute of additional pedagogical education".

On April 25-26th, on the basis of the Donetsk republican institute of additional pedagogical education and the Donetsk republican art museum, the professional skill contest “Pedagogical ART Factor” was held for the first time for teachers of art-aesthetic cycle and the heads of art-aesthetic sections.

On April 3 "Legend Teacher Victor Shatalov" exhibition began work at Donetsk republican institute of additional pedagogical education within the Republican Shatalovsky pedagogical readings initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Today, on March 29, the I Republican scientific and practical conference "Problems and the Prospects of Development of Professional Education in the conditions of changes" organized by the Republican institute of post degree education of engineering and pedagogical staff with assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic is taking place in this institute.

On Thursday, March 23, the final internal round of the additional education teachers Republican competition "I give talent!", organized by the Ministry of Education and Science together with the Donetsk RIDPO was hold in Donetsk.

On March 2 the Minister of Education and Science Larisa Polyakova visited Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training "Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration under the Head of Donetsk People's Republic" where the ceremony of delivery of certificates of advanced training to listeners of the additional professional program of advanced training "The organization of carrying out purchases of goods, works and services for budgetary funds of the entities" of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training DonAMPA was held.

On February 16 and 17 municipal educational institution "School No. 2 of the city of Donetsk" became the venue of open lessons of the super final of Republican teachers professional skill competition "45 minutes of fame". In the last final round of the competition following the results of pedagogical experience presentations and holding master classes there were 10 best teachers of the Republic.

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