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Republican amateur talent contest "Believe in yourself" was held in Donetsk


On Sunday, October 22, the Republican amateur talent contest of children with disabilities "Believe in yourself", organized by the Ministry of Education and Science with RCYC was held in the Republican Palace of children's and youthful creativity.

More than 100 collective and personal applications were submitted to the organizing committee, 265 people practically from all the cities of the Donetsk People's Republic became participants of the competition. These are winners of the I stage, passed within September in the cities and regions.

At the competition different nominations were presented: vocal, choreography, soloists-instrumentalists, sign song, original genre, young poets, reciters, and others. The competent jury shortlisted winners in each nomination in three age groups. Rewarding of winners will take place during the gala concert on December 3, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Besides, winners of the Republican crafts and fine arts exhibition competition of children with disabilities "I see the world through my heart" which will pass from October 23 to November 23 will be awarded.

The organizing committee and judges mentioned high standard of performance of the competition "Believe in Yourself".

"It's heartening to see the high level of skill of pupils and, of course, their optimism, cheerfulness, the will to win pleases. Besides, interest in the competition has increased, in particular, this year the number of participants has increased by 50 people. A new nomination –playing folk instruments -was added and presented by Torez spoon players band", - the acting director of RCYC Natalya Kashchayeva emphasized.

It should be pointed out that children, their parents and teachers from all Donbass were invited to participate in the competition and to be in the audience.

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