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The team of the Donetsk Military Lyceum won the XII All-Russian Festival of Cadet Educational Institutions


The team of the Donetsk military boarding school with enhanced military-physical training named after G.T. Beregovoy took the 3rd place at the XII All-Russian Festival of Cadet Educational Institutions, classes and young army men “Vivat, Cadet!”, which was held from September 21 to 25 on the basis of the Perm cadet corps named after generalissimo A.V. Suvorov.

The festival was attended by 20 teams from cadet schools, cadet corps, lyceums with enhanced military-physical training, military-patriotic clubs of the Russian Federation. The children competed in military, sports, creative and intellectual contests for five days.

The pupils of the Donetsk Military Lyceum won the 3rd place in performing a set of strength physical exercises and passing a single obstacle course, showed the 2nd result in the cadets’ multiathlon and the 1st in the robotics contest. As a result, the team became the winner of the festival, taking the 3rd place in the overall standing.


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E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

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E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

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