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Irina Simonova: it is time for 9-11 forms graduates to make their choice


On Saturday, May 27, the Deputy Minister of Science and Education of the Donetsk People's Republic Irina Simonova took part in the holiday of "Farewell Bell" which took place in Komsomol comprehensive school of I-III steps No.1 of Starobeshevsky district administration.

Also the head of Starobeshevsky rayon Nikolay Mikhaylov, head of city Komsomolskoye administration Stanislav Tkachyov, head of department of education of Starobeshevsky rayon administration Vera Nemilostivaya took part at the action.

The representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR congratulated the audience on the holiday. "Of course, "Farewell Bell" is a big holiday. The academic year is coming to the end, summer is ahead. But it is time for 9-11 forms graduates to make their choice. They will have not only to choose what to do next, but also to enter a new life. I wish you have all doors opened and your way brought you success", – Irina Simonova said.

In his turn, Nikolay Mikhaylov reported that in the rayon there are 20 comprehensive schools with 3 669 pupils. This year 175 people are leaving school. "We need teachers, doctors, technical officers, agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians. And today you can choose that specialty you like because in the Donetsk People's Republic there are all opportunities for receiving worthy education", – the head of local administration stated.

On a celebratory assembly teachers and pupils exchanged parting words and kind wishes. Pupils and school graduates performed songs, verses, a dance routine. The principal Svetlana Matyushchenko awarded distinguished school students with certificates of honor.

It should be noted in the Donetsk People's Republic in 2017 there are about 8 thousand school graduates, about 11 thousand students leave the 9th form. In total in 2016-2017 academic year there are more than 135 thousand school students.


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