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Conference devoted to implementation of the project "Memorial book: war through children's eyes" took place in Thorez


On March 21 in Thorez the conference devoted to implementation of the project "Memorial book: war through children's eyes" took place on the basis of the Palace of children's and youthful creativity "Youth"   where all general education organizations of the city took part.

Each school told about preparation for creation of the Memorial Book. Bright presentations, touching oral magazines, video and performances – pupils presented collective creativity results.

The holiday was decorated with performances of pupils of the creative association "Word's Alphabet", national ensemble of variety song of "Tonic", the soloist of ensemble Maria Soboleva "Peace to the world!", model  circus team "Salute".

The guest of the conference – the veteran of Armed Forces of the USSR Anatoly Rodionov - told about continuity of generations, expressed gratitude to all the children and teachers who had taken active part in preparation of the Memorial Book, emphasized importance of saving truthful data on the events which are taking place now in Donbass, about heroes of the Republic who, without sparing the life, protect the Fatherland.

They continue work on search of new data on heroes of the Donetsk People's Republic, collecting memories of inhabitants of Thorez of the events which are taking place in the city. Besides, in the museums and museum rooms they will create corners for school Memorial Books and pages devoted to the project on the websites of general education organizations.


Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
(071) 320-38-35 VPO 
(071) 302-65-19 SPO

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