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Research associates of SE "Institute of Economic Researches" took part at the International conference in MSU


Research associates of SE "Institute of Economic Researches" took part at the V International conference "Public purchases: enforcement problems" which was carried out by the Department of Company Law of Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The institute was represented by the leading researcher Lyubov Kushch and the senior research associate Natalya Cherkasskaya. Conferees discussed the public purchases legislation state in a number of countries of the world among which there are the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, the Netherlands, Macedonia, Brazil, Japan, Korea and the Donetsk People's Republic. Research associates of Institute of economic researches made reports in which they presented the analysis of the existing and perspective legislation of the Donetsk People's Republic, designated the main problems concerning its content and proposed ways of their solution.

The reports attracted great interest of conferees, in particular, processes of formation of the public purchases legislation and its application in the Republic.

By the beginning of the conference the collective monograph "Public purchases in foreign countries: dynamics of legal regulation" had been published in which Lyubov Kushch and Natalya Cherkasskaya took part as coauthors.

As a result of the conference it was succeeded to establish relations on further cooperation between SE "Institute of Economic Researches" and the Department of Company Law of Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Private-law disciplines of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation and representatives of scientific community of such countries as Macedonia, South Korea and others.

"Active and fruitful participation of research associates in similar international conferences plays an important role both in exchange of experience with colleagues and in the course of integration into scientific community of the Russian Federation and other countries", - the head of SE "Institute of Economic Researches" Roman Blizky emphasized.

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