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In Donetsk the international scientific forum "Innovative Prospects of Donbass" started to work


On Wednesday, May 24, the III International scientific forum "Innovative prospects of Donbass: infrastructure and social and economic development" began work, the initiator and organizer is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mikhail Kushakov told about the purposes of this scientific forum. "Giving great value to development of science in the Republic, we are aimed at that scientific developments met today's requirements and took root into economy. Works of 28 scientific and educational organizations of the DPR are presented at the exhibition. Some developments are unique, they don't have analogs in the world. There are developments, which after the procedure of obtaining the patent, will be introduced in production, some of them can be used in medicine. The economy can't exist without innovations, and we hope that the exhibition will be attended by representatives of our industries, economy, medicine and other branches for the purpose of development of cooperation and joint implementation of perspective scientific and technical projects", – Mikhail Kushakov declared.

The forum opened a plenary session at which the deputy minister of science and education Irina Simonova, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Sergey Naumets, rector of Donetsk national technical university Konstantin Marenich made a speech.

In her speech Irina Simonova focused attention on importance of attraction youth in science. "Without people who devoted themselves to science there would be no development of the state not only in general, but either those sign institutes which could present practical developments. We develop science from the earliest age today: school students of 10-11 classes used to be engaged in scientific research, students of middle age are attracted now. Besides, we have well presented student's science. Holding such a forum is big work of all research teams, and we hope that demonstration of joint experience, exchange of opinions will promote development of scientific potential", – the deputy minister of science and education noted.

Sergey Naumets made the report "Construction science and practice in solution of the main objectives facing a construction complex of the Donetsk People's Republic". "At the moment, the Ministry of Construction of the DPR is actively working on realization of the main objective set by the Head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. This is a program of restoration and reconstruction of the housing stock damaged due to fighting. For solution of this task the Ministry developed a programs aimed to restoration and reconstruction of housing stock of the Republic: on restoration of the residential buildings and constructions destroyed due to firings, on completion of incomplete construction objects, reconstruction of housing stock, construction of affordable housing, the program for development of production of construction materials and others", – the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the DPR reported.

Estimating results of the previous exhibitions, Konstantin Marenich emphasized that within the third forum a number of new exhibits and the developments which are most prepared for industrial production is presented. "At the exhibition it is possible to examine the air-lift installations developed in DonNTU by a group of scientists under the leadership of professor V. G. Geyer. They differ in increased productivity, ability of transfer not only water, but also water mixture with rock. They were successfully applied in 1943 when less than in a year water from all flooded mines of Donetsk region was pumped off. Now much more powerful air lifts are developed", – the head of higher education institution emphasized.

Within the forum from May 24 to May 26 at the premises of Donetsk national technical university, Automobile and road institute, Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training DonNTU, Donetsk institute of railway transport, Donetsk academy of transport and Donetsk botanical garden there will take place 15 conferences of international and republican levels in which representatives of science from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, the Russian Federation, and also from the territories of Donbass temporarily under control of Ukraine will participate. Besides, an exhibition of scientific and technical developments of scientific and educational organizations of the Republic opened in the museum of history of Donetsk national technical university. It also works till May 26.

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