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The scientific and practical conference on patriotic education issues took place in the Republic


On Thursday, May 18, the Republican scientific and practical conference "From Patriotic Education to a Civil Consent and Public Safety" took place. At its plenary session the Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic Larisa Polyakova made a speech.

The event was held at the premises of G.Beregovoy Republican lyceum boarding school with strengthened military physical training of Donetsk Higher All-Troops Command College of Armed forces of the DPR. Heads, teachers, students of institutions of secondary and higher education, representatives of public organizations, including guests from the Russian Federation took part in it.

In her address to attendees the head of the profile ministry pointed to high relevance of patriotic education issues. "It is the first scientific and practical conference in the Donetsk Higher All-Troops Command College and it has already received wide resonance because patriotic education is the priority direction in the Donetsk People's Republic. This subject is important not only for inhabitants of our Republic. We are realizing the Humanitarian program for reunification of the people of Donbass now and we know what problems are in the territory which is behind the line of contact we know that people want this reunification. Also the conference has important educational value as future officers are tutors of the younger generation", – the minister noted.

The First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic Mikhail Kushakov made the report "From patriotic education to civil consent and public safety". "The homeland, state, fellow countrymen, compatriots – today they are not just words which designate that place where we were born and are still living, people near us. Today they are the main concepts of our society which penetrate all spheres of life: social, economic, political, spiritual, serve as the base of the national idea of our state, guarantee of its development, prosperity and wellbeing. The purpose of our conference is consolidation of efforts of science, practice and public in definition of priorities and directions of educational work in the educational organizations", – Mikhail Kushakov declared.

The chief of DonHATCC major general of Armed Forces of the DPR Mikhail Tikhonov shared experience on education of the real patriots who are proud of the heroic past of the people and are faithful defenders of the Fatherland. "Our common goal is to bring up younger generation, dignified citizens of the young Republic. It can be reached only with joint efforts of institutions of education and a family. It is a complex challenge, considering that over the long period there was a depreciation of morality and morals, loss of traditional patriotic consciousness and education", – the head of school emphasized.

The employee of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Donetsk People's Republic, the doctor of medical sciences Vladislav Sednev dwelt on psychological and pedagogical bases of prevention of extremist activity in educational process. The rector of Gorlovka institute of foreign languages Svetlana Kochetova told about work on development of spirituality and morality of students.

After the plenary session work on sections continued.

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