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The issues of training the specialists demanded at the labour market, optimizing the higher professional education system and university admissions process were discussed at the Rectors’ Council meeting


On Thursday, July 4, the rectors of the educational institutions of higher professional education of the Donetsk People’s Republic met at the Donetsk National University. The meeting was attended by Vladimir Antonov, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic; Mikhail Kushakov, the Minister of Education and Science; Viktor Varyukhin, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science and Natalia Volkova, the Chairman of the People’s Council Committee for Education, Science and Culture.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR stressed the importance of the tasks facing the system of higher professional education, the main of which is to train the specialists sought-after at the labor market of the Donetsk People’s Republic. “Our perspective on training is a state order. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, the rectors of universities, we must create a mechanism to ensure that those students who got the state-subsidized education are in demand now. The main task is to train those specialists we need”, Vladimir Antonov noted.

Mikhail Kushakov, the Minister of Education and Science, emphasized the importance of discussing the most relevant issues of higher education and training specialists, noted that such a constructive dialogue makes it possible to arrive at the decisions that will allow the most efficient training of highly qualified personnel for the national economy of the Republic.

The Chairman of the Rectors’ Council, Svetlana Bespalova, Rector of DonNU, made a report on the optimization of higher education system of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Svetlana Vladimirovna emphasized that one of the most important tendencies to improve the system of higher education in the Russian Federation and other countries is the creation and development of large universities with a powerful scientific and educational potential that can solve strategic imperatives of the state development. She admitted such necessity for the Donetsk People’s Republic as well, and that is why, under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science, Donetsk National University takes part in the reorganization of State educational institutions “Donetsk Pedagogical Institute”, “Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sports” and “Republican Multidisciplinary Lyceum-Boarding School” by joining these educational organizations to DonNU. The reporter informed that such changes will have a positive impact on the educational process and personnel training.

During the meeting, Svetlana Drozhzhina, the rector of DonNUET named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky, shared an experience of obtaining the state accreditation by the University in the Russian Federation.

Lyudmila Saprykina, the Head of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science, informed the participants of the meeting about the results of the competitive selection to distribute the target figures of citizens’ admission to pursue basic higher learning educational programs financed from the Republican budget. It was noted that 87 state-financed openings had been allocated for targeted training. Since the beginning of the entrance campaign on June 24, more than 8 thousand applications have already been submitted to the universities of the Republic – this indicates the high activity of applicants.

In conclusion, the Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR stressed that it is necessary to create such conditions when graduates who receive diplomas, and the Russian Federation state sample diplomas as well, stay and work for the benefit of the Republic and can fulfil their potential in the native land.


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