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Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture was solemnly awarded graduate-masters with diplomas of the Russian Federation.


On December 26, the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DonNACEA) hosted the ceremonial presentation of Russian diplomas to graduate-masters of 2018, who successfully passed the final certification at the Don State Technical University of the Russian Federation (DSTU).

The rector of the Academy Nikolai Zaichenko addressed the graduates with a welcoming speech. “Today we present graduate diplomas from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Don State Technical University” to our graduates-2018, who not only received DonNACEA diplomas but also passed the state exam and necessary academic difference. They also successfully defended their master’s theses on the norms and requirements of the DSTU. The diplomas are awarded to 74 graduates in 14 DonNACEA master programs. 56 graduates receive diplomas with honors”, said Nikolai Zaichenko. He also stressed that DonNACEA graduates showed not only a high level of knowledge, passed all the tests, but also confirmed that the academy trains excellent specialists, whose quality of knowledge is at the level of Russia’s oldest scientific schools.

Sergey Naumets, the Minister of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the DPR, addressed the graduates with a parting word. He wished future builders a successful professional career and expressed hope that the masters will apply their knowledge in their native Republic.

The graduates met warmly the Director of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR, Andrei Alekhin. Many masters, who received diplomas, used to know him well as the dean of the Civil Engineering Department of DonNACEA, who was the scientific supervisor of a number of master’s theses defended in 2018. Alekhin congratulated the masters on receiving diplomas and wished them never forget the academy, which had been their second home. He also congratulated academy’s teaching staff, who spared neither effort nor time to share their knowledge with students and to help the graduates forge their own path in the profession.

That day the masters were warmly congratulated by fellow-students, parents, teachers and DonNACEA employees who were present at the celebration. Denis Malinin, who is currently working as an assistant at the Department of Building Structures, Products and Materials of DonNACEA, addressed with the words of gratitude to the entire team of the Academy on behalf of the graduate masters.


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