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In DONNTU Foucault's pendulum has been installed


At the Donetsk national technical university the unique event took place – Foucault's pendulum was open for the first time in Donbass. Employees and students of the university as well as guests of honor – the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Alexander Anopriyenko, the acting chief of Head department of geology and geoecology at the head of the DPR Sergey Vyborov, the chief of Head department of documentary providing and archiving of the DPR Irina Kostenko, representatives of mass media were going to participate in this historical moment.

Foucault's pendulum – a unique laboratory and research complex, the invention of the outstanding French physicist and astronomer of the 19th century Jean Bernard Léon Foucault showing process of rotation of Earth round its pivot-center. Start of the pendulum of Foucault is rightly considered an outstanding event, and the place of its construction is an important center of education.

For the first time, demonstration of Foucault's pendulum took place in Paris on January 8, 1851. In the world there are no more than 40 installations of this kind. Today Foucault's pendulums can be seen at Moscow State University, the St. Petersburg and Volgograd planetaria, at Kiev polytechnical institute, Novosibirsk astrophysical complex and also other scientific institutions of the world. 

The rector of DonNTU Konstantin Marenich in his report stated:

"The uniqueness of our Foucault's pendulum is that it is developed by DonNTU employees and made in foundry and mechanical laboratories of our university. Considerable efforts were necessary to design, process, grind the pendulum, and then to mount it. The big contribution to his installation was made by Sergey and Andrey Pasechniki, Alexey Bulakhov, Evgeny Predein, Sergey Eronko, Sergey Amoskin, Andrey Brusov, Alexander Vlasov, Olga Kotova, Lidiya Kovalyova, Sergey Ivanitsa, Irina Radchenko.

According to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Alexander Anopriyenko start of the pendulum coincided with an important event – creation of the State committee on science and technology of the DPR.

Gross weight of the combined segment of the pendulum was 31,18 kg, suspension length with the combined segment – 6, 75 m, and diameter of the cable – 4 mm.

When a survey concerning the most important and spectacular physical experiences for all history of mankind was carried out among physicists of the whole world, Foucault's pendulum took the first positions, being the proof that Earth really continuously rotates. Now the pendulum became one more important symbol of DonNTU and an indicative example of science and education priority of our young state – the Donetsk People's Republic.


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E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

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