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The subject of creation of the effective state was discussed in Donetsk by scientists and practitioners at the International conference on public and municipal administration


Annually in April higher educational institutions of all levels and the directions of training sum up the results of the scientific and educational activity, holding large-scale conferences and forums.

The scientific and practical conference has been held for the 4th time by young and venerable scientists of Donetsk national technical university. Its subject - "Modern public and municipal administration: problems, technologies, prospects" - attracts every time many interested scientists-economists, experts managers. It allowed a conference to find international status.

The purpose of the conference is exchange of experience in the sphere of the public and municipal administration, discussion of problems, principles and directions of development of public administration practice and technology, generalization and publication of results of scientific and practical achievements.

The First Deputy Minister of education and science Mikhail Kushakov addressed the representatives of scientific elite, management, economies of our Republic, who were on a plenary session in a conference room of the main educational building of the technical university.

"The efficiency of economy in many respects depends on how its management is organized, – Mikhail Nikolayevich stated. – In modern conditions we create new economy and attach particular importance to public administration. Not only students, graduates, undergraduates and teachers of Donetsk higher education institutions, but also representatives of foreign economic and administrative science from the Russian Federation, the Luhansk People's Republic, Kazakhstan and even Germany participate in a current conference."

At opening of the conference, the rector of DonNTU professor Konstantin Marenich focused attention of the audience on huge value of personnel potential for our republic. "This conference has united Donetsk scientists from five leading higher education institutions and also our foreign guests. More than 130 reports are submitted, 150 scientists, undergraduates, students will take part in its work. I am convinced that this conference will continue and strengthen our vector of vocational training of experts for public administration " - Konstantin Nikolayevich said.

Representatives of legislative and executive power, government institutions took part in work of a plenary session: Sergey Naumets, Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Donetsk People's Republic; Anastasia Selivanova, Deputy of National Council of the Donetsk People's Republic; Alexey Polovyan, director of public institution "Institute of economic researches" and scientists, teachers of the educational organizations of higher education.

During the break guests of the conference visited the museum of one of oldest universities in the republic - DonNTU and a book exhibition of Scientific and technical library of the university.

After coffee break the conference continued its work in two sections: "Theoretical-methodological bases of public administration" and "Organizational mechanism of innovations realization in public administration". Work of the international conference resulted in a materials and works collection of the IV International conference "Modern public and municipal administration: problems, technologies, prospects" participants.


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