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On the eve of the Victory Day, lawyers, historians discussed matters of law during armed conflicts


On May 4, the meeting of the International round table devoted to the Victory Day on the subject: "Right and sense of justice during armed conflicts" took place in the Military History Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

Representatives of the ministries and departments of the Donetsk People's Republic, teachers, students of law and historical faculties of Donetsk national university, Donetsk academy of internal affairs, Donbass national academy of construction and architecture participated in the action. Besides, the organizing committee received reports from Didorenko Luhansk academy of internal affairs (LPR), Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation).

The First Deputy Minister of education and science of the Donetsk People's Republic, candidate of Law Sciences Mikhail Kushakov expressed warm congratulations to veterans, stated that during the Great Patriotic War the severe laws limiting movement of citizens and other rights were adopted. Certainly, we need to study that experience accumulated by our state on the way to the Great Victory. Our cause is right, and we will surely win!" - the First deputy minister said.

In his turn, the chairman of the city organization of Soviet officers Union, colonel Eduard Lyubimov reminded that today's military fratricidal war in Donbass is based on the ideas of nationalism. "I am proud that I have been with those residents of Donbass who had put their honor above conveniences and personal wellbeing", - he admitted.

Relevance of justice sense problem during armed conflicts was emphasized by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic Eduard Yakubovsky. The first deputy Minister of justice of the DPR Yakov Hodos emphasized that atmosphere of the Military and historical museum of the Great Patriotic War helps everyone to feel their own participation in the feat of our grand- and great-grandfathers and readiness to measure up to them. The deputy of National Council of the DPR, the Chairman of the Committee on criminal and administrative legislation Alexey Zhigulin reminded the principle of punishment inevitability, the Nuremberg Trials and of the public commission activity on fixing war crimes of the Ukrainian authorities in Donbass which has been working at the territory of the DPR since 2014.

In his report, Mikhail Kushakov reminded the words of the French philosopher and jurist Montesquieu who had claimed that people have to do each other as much as possible good things during time of peace, and during war - as little as possible evil.

The issues of settlement of local conflicts, considerations of evidential base in the international practice (on the example of military courts), criterion and forms of states recognition, formation of the Russian world and many others.


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