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Maurizio Marrone, the Chairman of the Representative center of the DPR to Turin, Italy gave a lecture in Donetsk academy of management


On November 20 within the actions for development of the relations between the public of the Donetsk People's Republic and the public of the Republic of Italy Maurizio Marrone, the Chairman of the Representative center of the Donetsk People's Republic in the city of Turin, Italy visited Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration under the Head of Donetsk People's Republic.

Donetsk academy of management became the first educational organization of higher education in the DPR that Mr Marrone has visited. During the meeting the rector of State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education DonAMPA  Larisa Kostrovets told the guest about 25-year history of Academy, its achievements and work in modern conditions.

Mr Marrone also gave a lecture for students of Academy on the subject "Actual Sovereignty and International Subjectivity on the example of the Donetsk People's Republic". Covering the problem of recognition of our Republic on the world scene, Mr Madrone was guided by the Convention Montevideo — one of the few international documents defining legal personality of the state from the point of view of the international public law. According to this Convention Donetsk People's Republic has all rights for the international recognition.

The subject of the lecture attracted a keen interest of the present students, teachers, employees and members of administration of Academy who asked the questions which are directly connected with the lecture subject and also concerning activity of the Representative center of the DPR in Turin.

Mr Marrone stated that he is extremely struck by strength of mind of the people of Donbass and also expressed confidence that with assistance of unindifferent thinking people the Donetsk People's Republic will manage to achieve its sovereignty and recognition on the world scene.


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