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DonNUET has confirmed the right to carry out educational activity in the Donetsk People's Republic


SO HPE "Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky Donetsk national university of economy and trade " the first among educational institutions of the Donetsk People's Republic has passed on July 27 the license examination.

According to it the higher education institution obtained the License ML No. 005437 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic for the right to carry out educational activities for all fields of education and specialties. Thus, the staff of Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky Donetsk national university of economy and trade confirmed high professional level and successfully continues the educational and scientific activity in Donbass.

Also on August 1 the license of the Ministry of Education and Science for the right to carry out educational activities for all fields of education and specialties was received by SEO HPE "Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sport". At the moment other higher education institutions of the Republic are in process of preparation for complex licensing of their activity.

Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
(071) 320-38-35 VPO 
(071) 302-65-19 SPO

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