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Council of rectors has considered topical issues of university admissions process


On Friday, July 7, the Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic Larisa Polyakova held regular meeting of Council of rectors where topical issues of an introductory campaign in the educational organizations of higher education were considered.

Special attention was paid to admission of entrants within the Humanitarian program for reunification of the people of Donbass. "So far 15 644 applications, from them 6 378 originals of documents have been submitted to the HPE educational organizations. Besides, more than 200 entrants living in the territory of Donbass temporarily under control Ukraine have submitted their applications, and enter within the Humanitarian program for reunification of the people of Donbass", – Larisa Polyakova stated.

During the meeting attendees discussed situations which had arisen during the admissions process. Also, the minister read the letters which had arrived on "a trust box" and handed them to rectors of the relevant higher education institutions. Besides, Larisa Polyakova reminded of importance of individual approach to each entrant, that it should to be considered in work both of selection committees and "hot lines".


Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
(071) 320-38-35 VPO 
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