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Students of Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky DonNUET became winners of the VIII Eurasian economic forum of youth


From 17 to 21 of May VIII Eurasian teen economic forum took place on the basis of the Ural state Economic University. This year about 2 thousand participants were declared on the Forum, who had introduced 1837 works. 47 special guests, 299 experts and 74 science directors joined the Forum.

The students of the GO VPO «Donetsk National University of economy and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovskiy» Grosova Daria and Goncharov Bogdan represented Donetsk people Republic through the Forum.

The Forum programme provided such panel discussions like «Russia’s world image», round table meeting «Public diplomacy: foreign students as Russian national ambassadors abroad», international contests «Supply security» and «Logistics of product movement».

In the competition "Supply Security", the organizers determined three sections: «Nutrition is the main factor defining the person’s health, «Innovative technologies in the sphere of agricultural production, food and processing industry» and «Quality and safety of alimentary raw materials and food products”

Students of DonNUET presented their works: “Usage of herbal ingredients in innovative technologies of meat products” and “Security research of dairy products with advanced biological value” in the section of “Quality and safety of supply raw materials and food products”.

As the result, DonNUET students received participants certificates, Goncharov Bogdan was awarded in the nomination “Debut in science”, moreover Grosova Daria gained the 1st degree diploma and a pin honor of the Forum – “Star of Eurasia”


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