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Comment of MON DPR on a possibility of receiving the main general and secondary general education in externship form


The general education in the form of externship in the general education organizations of the Donetsk People's Republic is regulated by the Regulations on general education in the form of external studies in the general education organizations of the Donetsk People's Republic approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 08.02.2016 No. 115 "About approval of the Regulations on general education in the form of external studies in the general education organizations of the Donetsk People's Republic", registered in the Ministry of Justice 25.02.2016 registration No. 1032.

The opportunity to get general education in the form of the external studies is given to persons which:

1) on any reasonable excuses have no opportunity to attend studies in the educational organization;

2) mastered program material of the corresponding class, level of the general education at an accelerated pace;

3) didn't finish training in the educational organization of secondary general or secondary professional education;

4) are graduates of the general education organization of previous years which had no marks in a year in due time;

5) received the document on an appropriate level of the general education abroad;

6) are foreigners or stateless persons which are within the Donetsk People's Republic.

Reception of applications from external students begins since September 1 and comes to an end on February 28 the current academic year.

National adults enrolment at the general education organization as external students is made according to their application in person, minors enrolment is made according to their parents' statement  (legal representatives) in coordination with a relevant education management bogy. Along with the statement external students file the document confirming general education programs mastering.

An external student is given the education document of appropriate level according to the year estimation and State Final Examination results by a faculty meeting decision and on the order of the head of the general education organization.

For today citizens of the Republic, who for any reasons have no Certificate of Secondary General Education, are having problems.

In order to solve this problem it is necessary:

  1. Persons, who studied and received the certificate before 2016 in the educational organizations (institutions) within the Donetsk People's Republic, for receiving the duplicate certificate have to:

1.1. To write the statement of  the Certificate of Secondary General Education loss in internal affairs bodies of the Donetsk People's Republic and to receive the corresponding reference.

1.2. With the reference  to address to the educational organization (institution) where the Certificate of Secondary General Education was issued and to write the statement with a request to issue the duplicate Certificate of Secondary General Education, having attached a duplicated passport.

  1. Persons who studied in the educational organizations (institutions) outside the Donetsk People's Republic, due to the lack of the possibility of documentary confirmation of recieving the Certificate of Secondary General Education:

2.1. No later than 01.02.2017 to address to the general education organization (at the place of residence or training) or City (District) Department of Education and to write the application for enrolment on classes in externship form.


2.2. While filing the application it is necessary to consider that enrolment is performed with presence of the original Certificate of Basic General Education (9 years).


2.3. Upon termination of training the external student takes a State Final Examination according to programs of the secondary general education (11th class) and receives the original of the Certificate of Secondary General Education.

Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
(071) 320-38-35 VPO 
(071) 302-65-19 SPO

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