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Psychological Workshop has started in the Ministry of Education and Science


On Wednesday, January 18, Psychological Workshop started in the Ministry of Education and Science. MES DPR and Donetsk republican educational and methodical center of psychological service of the education system were organizers of the Workshop.

"Within Workshop work 33 expert psychologists will share their experience. Some practical courses on preparation for work with different psychological techniques, rendering effective psychological assistance and support to children and adults is planned for specialists of psychological service and students of psychological faculties. Practical training on effective interaction with children and emotional condition self-control trainings are proposed for teachers and parents.

Today more than 1670 applications from persons interested to become participants of the Workshop are submitted, and applications have been submitted not only by specialists of psychological service, teachers and students of psychological faculties, but also specialists of other structures: health workers, military psychologists, volunteers, parents. Practical trainings will сome round according to the schedule for 2017", - the director of Donetsk republican educational and methodical center of psychological service of the education system Inna Ivanova opened a festive event.

"Today the profession of psychologist and psychological knowledge became especially demanded. The population becomes more interested in psychological service of the education system, psychological community extends, attracting parents, volunteers, representatives of adjacent professions. The number of applications for participation shows how experience exchange is important: to show our abilities and, of course, to get knowledge from colleagues. Feature of such professions as a teacher or psychologist that you study throughout all life.

I am glad to welcome all attendees. We hope that the declared master classes will help participants to learn more deeply about themselves and, of course, to learn something new", - the deputy minister of science and education of the DPR Irina Simonova addressed participants at the event.

Psychologists from different cities of the Republic presented various master classes covering a wide range of psychological assistance. So, the candidate of psychological sciences, the psychologist of DonNTU Irina Mukhanova will tell how to overcome fears and panic alarms, the art therapist from Yenakiyevo Svetlana Sukhanova will show art technology of sand therapy "A sand melody", Inna Ivanova and Tatyana Lobanova will give classes for students, future psychologists "Emotional condition self-control trainingof". Besides, specialists will touch upon such subjects as a game therapy, time-management technology, family harmony, will teach not to be nervous before public statements, etc.

This very day the first master class took place. It was carried out by the doctor of psychological sciences, professor Vladislav Sednev who opened for his colleagues and everyone interested new things in the mechanism of psychological protection.

As Inna Ivanova noted, the place and time of each master class will be reported beforehand.

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