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Larisa Polyakova has taken part in opening of the educational salon in Lugansk


On Friday, September 29, opening of the first Republican educational salon "Modern Education — 2017" has taken place in Lugansk. The Minister of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic Larisa Polyakova participated in the opening ceremony.

"For last several years we have together endured many tests and passed through the most terrible things that can only be in lives of any people – through war. It has affected life of each of us, forced us to look in a new way at, apparently, ordinary things, but at the same time it has induced us to study and develop. This

is in the word "development"" that all sense of each teacher's work, our calling consists, – Larisa Polyakova addressed herself to the attendees.

She emphasized that thanks to efforts of many thousands of tutors, teachers, scientists and administrative workers in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics we succeeded to save that enormous potential which had been put by many generations in the Donbass science and education. "At times at the cost of their lives our colleagues selflessly fulfilled their duties, saving pupils, students and native educational institutions. Each of us can remember what enormous quantity of objects of science and education has been destroyed in the years of the armed opposition", – the Minister of Education and Science of the DPR added.

She has also told about modern development of domestic education and science, about that complex work which is being carried out in the educational organizations of all levels: from kindergartens to scientific institutions, from educational standards before the highest certification. "The Donetsk People's Republic managed to achieve good results in the sphere of additional education, and today about 80% of our children systematically study in various circles and sections. With sincere pleasure we will exchange experience with you in this sphere, and in many others. At the same time the system of training of various qualification in agricultural branch of the Lugansk People's Republic is of great interest to us. Quite recently, on September 1, Donbass agrarian academy was open in Makeyevka, and we would be glad to exchange experience with your experts", – Larisa Polyakova said.

At the same time she made it clear that importance of exchange of experience between teachers and scientists of the friendly republics and enormous potential in this direction. "We are ready to expand interaction between our states in education and science in all directions as science and education can't stand still and develop in vacuum. Thanks to close and effective cooperation and system work we surely will come to a qualitatively new level. And I am sure that more than one generation of future inhabitants of Donbass will remember their heroic teachers with warmth and gratitude", – the minister summarized.

It should be noted that, the Ministry of Education and Science of the LPR, the Scientific and methodical center of development of education of the LPR, the Republican organization of education and science employees Union of the LPR were organizers of educational salon "Modern Education — 2017". The program of salon provides work of exhibition halls, the Lugansk People's Republic education system presentation, including educational standards, master classes, seminars, round tables where teachers will share practice in education. The republican educational salon "Modern Education — 2017" finishes its work on September 30.

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