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Language and literature teachers of the Republic became participants of the rewarding ceremony of the XVII International Pushkin contest


From September 6 to September 11 Russian teachers of the Gorlovka comprehensive school No.41 Angela Kryukova and Petrovskoye comprehensive school of Starobeshevsky rayon administration Alla Geyko visited Moscow rewarding ceremony of the XVII International Pushkin contest.

The competition purpose is to support talented Russian teachers of foreign countries. In sixteen years more than six thousand teachers have participated in the competition, 800 people have become winners of the competition and experts in status of the Russian language in their countries.

This year participants of the competition wrote an essay on the subject "To study Russian. It is possible? Fashionable? Favourable?".

On September 7 for specialists in Russian philology from more than 30 countries of the world (Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, China, Lithuania, the Donetsk People's Republic, the USA, France, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc.) teachers of Pushkin Institute gave the literary drawing room, lectures and master classes devoted to modern Russian, current problems of technique of teaching, linguo-didactic bases of training, use of resources of the Education in Russian portal. The meeting came to the end with delivery of certificates of professional development and certificates of participation in the seminar "Russian in global educational space".

On September 8 they got acquainted Moscow education system. Teachers-specialists in Russian philology visited Lyceum of humanitarian technologies of Moscow pedagogical state university, became participants of the literary and improvisational game "My World in Classical Literature" and a round table meeting with the vice rector for interregional and international policy of MPSU, the vice-chairman of Commission on Education and Science of the Civic chamber of the Russian Federation, the chairman of Coordination Council of the All-Russian public organization "Association of Teachers of Literature and Russian" Lyudmila Dudova.

On September 9 teachers were invited to the gala concert devoted to the City Day and the 780 anniversary of the capital of the Russian Federation. Then the ceremony of rewarding was held in the building of the Government of Moscow. Participants were welcomed by the head of the board of overseers of the Pushkin competition, the Russian President's special representative on the international cultural cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi and members of the council.

Within the cultural program of the competition teachers visited the performance of the Russian national ballet "Kostroma" in Theatre of folklore "Russian Song", had excursions around A.S. Pushkin State Museum, State Academic Maly Theatre of Russia where the leading role in the performance "King Lear" was played by Boris Nevzorov.

The program of stay ended with an excursion trip across Moscow.

We will note, the International Pushkin competition is annually held by "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" with the Government of Moscow with assistance of Rossotrudnichestvo.

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