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Larisa Polyakova awarded the winner of the competition "Youth Award-2017" in the field of education and science


On Tuesday, June 27, ceremony of awarding the winners of the Republican competition "Youth Award-2017" was held in Donetsk State academic musical and drama theater.

The action initiated by the Ministry of youth, sport and tourism of the Donetsk People's Republic with the assistance of M. Tugan-Baranovsky Donetsk national university of economy and trade is meant to help youth with realization of initiatives in various spheres of life.

 The congratulation of the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko on the holiday, in which the role of republican youth in the state construction was mentioned, sounded from the scene at the beginning of the action. "Today the youth participates in the state construction more and more. The youth movement of the Republic actively discusses bills, participates in various forums, at various discussion platforms there is live discussion of our state development prospects", - it is told in the congratulation.

The Chairman of National Council of the DPR Denis Pushilin urged young people to realize their ambitions and to believe in themselves and the Republic.

The first nominees for "Youth award" in the field of education and science  risen by the stage of dramatic theater were students, young scientists and research associates of the leading educational organizations of higher education and scientific institutions of the Republic, teachers of the general education organizations. The Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Larisa Polyakova congratulated all winners on victories and achievements. "I am proud of you! Because you are natives of educational institutions of Donbass, young scientists, residents of the Donetsk People's Republic", the minister said.

She declared also the winner of the competition "Youth Award-2017" in the field of education and science, that was the III year's student of philological faculty of the Donetsk national university, the performer of the grant project "Donetsk Regiolekt" Andrey Brovets. "This student at the XXIV International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists Lomonosov-2017 presented Experimental laboratory of researches of tendencies of abbreviation at department of Russian to DonNU and was the I one in the subsection "Russian: word formation, morphology, syntax", - Larisa Polyakova emphasized.

It should be stated that  about 200 applications in nine nominations were submitted in 2017 for participation in the competition "Youth Award-2017". More than 40 participants became award holders.

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