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Republican boarding lyceum named after G. T. Beregovoy graduated students


On Thursday, June 15th a solemn event dedicated to the lyceum students’ graduation was held at the Republican boarding lyceum with enhanced military-physical training named after G. T. Beregovoy of the State Military Educational Institution “Donetsk higher all-troops command collage of the Donetsk People’s Republic Armed Forces”.

Deputy minister of Education and science of the Donetsk People’s Republic Irina Simonova, deputy of National Council of the DPR Yuri Sivokonenko, rector of the Donetsk academy of internal affairs, police colonel Anatoliy Popov, rector of the Civil protection academy, colonel Pavel Stefanenko.

The Head of the boarding lyceum, colonel Vladimir Tarasov noted that this is the 22nd graduation since the lyceum establishment, and the third one in the Donetsk People’s Republic. “This day 149 students are leaving the lyceum” –he mentioned.

In solemn atmosphere, graduates were given certificates of secondary general education. Deputy minister of Education and Science awarded Alexander Vorob’iov, the lyceum student, with the documents of the lyceum graduation and the winner diploma of the final stage of the Republican Math Olympiad. “I sincerely wish you to find yourself in this life, to do your further studies by vocation, call of your heath and soul. Never forget the institution you studied at, and glorify the one you enter! I’m confident, that skills and abilities, you achieved here, will maintain the Donetsk People’s Republic and its nation.” – Irina Simonova addressed to the graduates with a congratulatory speech.

Also, she emphasized the fact, that today is the first graduation since unification of the Republican boarding lyceum with enhanced military-physical training named after G. T. Beregovoy and the Donetsk higher all-troops command collage.

In his turn, the rector of Donetsk academy of internal affairs, on the threshold of admissions process called the graduates to make the meaningful choice. “If anybody of you take a decision to continue to serve in the internal affairs agencies, all the academy educational staff and I, personally, are waiting for you in the admissions process. And like practice has shown, military lyceum students prove their best skills: professionalism, physical training and knowledge. Perhaps, you will become dignified officers of the DPR” – stated Anatoliy Popov.


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