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Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Larisa Polyakova has taken part in the Total dictation


On April 8 more than 2000 residents of the Donetsk People's Republic participated in the annual World action - the Total dictation. Voluntary of literacy test was carried out on 22 educational sites. The Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Larisa Polyakova participated in the action, having written a dictation on the central site of the Total dictation - at the Donetsk national university.

"First,I want to test my literacy,  because it is not superfluous to any person to test how well they are literate, – Larisa Petrovna commented on her participation in the Total dictation. - Secondly, I have not written dictations for a long time, the last time it was at school therefore I wonder what I am capable of".

The famous Russian writer, screenwriter and historian Leonid Yuzefovich, winner of the "National Best-seller"  and "Big Book" of 2016 award for the documentary novel "Winter Road" became the author of the text offered by organizers for literacy test this year. The text of the dictation was taken from Leonid Yuzefovich's trilogy "The city on the river". Each of three parts of the dictation is devoted to the cities and the rivers, significant for the author, flowing through them: name of the first part is "St. Petersburg. Neva", the second one – "Perm. Kama", the third -

"Ulan-Ude. Selenga". On the site opened at philological faculty of DonNU, the dictation was read by Zakhar Prilepin, Russian writer and publicist who is well known in our Republic, the author of the first text of the Total dictation written in the DPR.

It will be recalled that on the website of the Total dictation there will be on line analyses of all parts of the text made by members of Advisory council of the Total dictation. Schedule of online analyses:

On April 10 at 19:00 – the third part of the text. Analysis is carried out by Vladimir Pakhomov, the editor-in-chief of the “Грамота.ру”  portal, Candidate of Philology.

On April 11 at 16:00 – the second part of the text. Analysis is carried out by Natalya Koshkareva, the chairman of Advisory council of the Total dictation, Doctor of Philology.

On April 12 at 13:30 – the first part of the text. Analysis is carried out by Lyudmila Gorbunova, professor of department of Russian and general linguistics of the Irkutsk State University, Doctor of Philology.

All participants of the Total dictation can prepare and ask questions to experts.

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