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Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR carries out the information and explanatory company on creation of healthy and safe working conditions in education


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic, seeking to increase attention to scale and consequences of accidents and diseases connected with work, considers labor protection as one of priority issues and supports the actions referred on its strengthening at all levels.

The Day of labor protection which is celebrated annually on April 28 as the World Day of labor protection (Decree of the Head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko of 04.04.2016 No.91) is officially established in the Donetsk People's Republic. Annually the holiday is held under the special motto which brings up the most important problem and serves as an appeal for all principals of enterprises and organizations of the Republic. In 2017 the subject of the World day of labor protection spent under the auspices of the International Labour Organization is "Optimization of collecting and use of labor protection data".

As work accidents and diseases data are of great importance for their prophylaxis, there is an imperative need of registration, notice as well as collecting and analysis systems improvement at the republican level of labor protection data. It will allow receiving more reliable indicators of system effectiveness of labor protection and to define, bound to labor protection what problems demand prime allocation of resources. For example, the notice well-timed (in accordance with the established procedure) of the taken place industrial accident will allow to save on penalties; provide to the victim all payments and compensations; to consider circumstances of this accident and prevent further similar cases.

Reliable data collecting optimization is extremely important for definition of priorities and improvement of the preventive programs realized both at the republican level and in workplaces. Besides, unification of systems of registration and notice will allow to carry out in the preventive purposes collecting and analysis of data in republican scale and this way to have more exact idea of the progress made in this area.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic urges heads of cities, districts departments of education, principals of educational organisations to carry out the information and explanatory company with workers and students, organize various actions which would encourage creation of healthy and safe working conditions in education, decrease accidents risk, promotion of safe work with participants of educational relations.

Contact Information

Press service:
(071) 321-44-48
E-mail: min.obraz.dnr@mail.ru

(071) 321-44-37
Universitetskaya St., 83A, Donetsk
E-mail: info@mondnr.ru

Hot lines:
(071) 321-44-48 General
(071) 320-38-35 VPO 
(071) 302-65-19 SPO

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