Very soon in the Donetsk People's Republic the world’s event directed to promoting the Russian language among representatives of different continents and people of all ages, Total dictation, will be held for the second time. The purpose of this action is to remind once again all of us the great value of Russian which integrates hundreds of different people and cultures. Unfortunately, for long decades Donbass was deprived of the right to fully use its native language. Kiev powers methodically created all conditions for its suppression and replacement from public life.
Three years ago we managed to stop this terrible process, having created the state where languages are not the instrument of political manipulations and become a subject of sincere pride, true wealth. Multinational Donbass integrated in itself great variety of different cultures, languages and dialects, some of them are really unique.
Today we are watching with a heavy heart and alarm what is happening both on territories of Donbass temporarily under control of Kiev powers and in Ukraine. We see how furiously they try to destroy Russian and the Russian culture, announcing them foreign, "smoothing out" our general history, withdrawing the whole layers from the educational program.
In these conditions we have no right to be detached onlookers. Therefore we invite with particular warmth all our compatriots, no matter what side of the front you live, and also residents of the Ukrainian areas to join the world's "Total Dictation" event which will pass across all territory of the Donetsk People's Republic on April 8, 2017.
I want to emphasize that we constantly think of you and you can always rely on our support.
I wish good luck to all participants and I expect you will have good results!