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The Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Larisa Polyakova has made the report at the "government hour" in the National Council


On Friday, December 16, the Minister of Education and Science Larisa Polyakova summed up the results of work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR in 2016 at the plenary session of National Council within the program of annual government hour.

"542 organizations in the Republic realize educational programs of preschool education, including 472 ones in the cities, 70 ones in the rural zone. In these organizations 54 009 children get preschool education, among them 52 598 children are in the cities, and 1 411 children are in the rural zone", – Larisa Polyakova reported about results of work in the sphere of preschool education

"The system of general secondary education of the Republic consists of 523 general education organizations of all types: 485 municipal day schools  (in 14 from them classes are suspended because of destructions, conducting capital repairs);  9 municipal evening schools ; 23 boarding schools ; 1 private school ("Contemporary"); 4 Republican lyceum boarding schools; 1 interdepartmental (from other Ministries, departments)  (Specialized boarding school for musically gifted children of the Ministry of Culture). In 2016-2017 academic year there are 137 660 school students (including pupils of the educational organizations of vocational education), among them about 15 thousand first graders. It is indicative that the number of first graders this year grew by 1 thousand people (in relative sizes growth constitutes 8%)", – the Minister emphasized.

Besides, within the report the results of the state program on improvement of children of the Donetsk People's Republic were summed up: "During the improving campaign of 2016 in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic 30 402 children were revitalized. According to the program of improvement of the Russian Federation in child care improving facilities of the Rostov region and Krasnodar Krai 4 796 children from the Donetsk People's Republic have had a rest", - Larisa Polyakova informed.

Also results of work of system of secondary professional education and higher education were provided: "In the cities and districts of Donetsk People's Republic there are 106 educational institutions of secondary professional education: 55 educational institutions realize programs of training of skilled workers, positions of employees, among them there are 5 training centers at the organizations of execution of the punishment realize programs of professional training, more than 50 technical schools and colleges realize   average link specialists training programs. In the educational institutions of SVE (secondary vocational education) 30705 students are mastering programs of professional training study. According to programs of skilled workers training,  9503 students are trained to be employees, according to average link specialists training programs 21202 students are studying.

The system of higher education is represented by 18 educational organizations of higher education, 15 of which are the state pattern of ownership and 3 ones are private. The contingent of students of the educational organizations of higher education constitutes 43086 people, with 10716 staff members. The comparative analysis of the contingent of students by the beginning of 2016-2017 academic year showed an increase by 7537 people in comparison with 2015-2016 academic year" - summarised the Minister of Education and Science of the DPR.

Larisa Polyakova sounded one of the most important tasks of an education system of the Donetsk People's Republic wich is implementation of the concept of patriotic education. "Work in this direction begins in preschool institutions and continues for all years of training – at schools, organizations of an average, higher education. The education system task is not only to give profound knowledge on subjects, but also to bring up a true patriot of the Donetsk People's Republic. The Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR organized work on perpetuating of memory of the pupils and teachers, who died as a result of firings of AFU (The Armed Forces of Ukraine), a vigorous search activity is being carried out  directed to implementation of the Republican project "The book of memory: war by children eyes ". In all general education organizations from 1 to 11 classes civic consciousness lessons are conducted and it is an obligatory subject", – the Minister noted.

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