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Mikhail Kushakov about the results of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2019


On Thursday, March 19, according to the agenda of the plenary meeting the Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Mikhail Kushakov reported to parliamentarians on the activities of the Department headed by him in 2019.

“The system of Education and Science of the Donetsk People’s Republic data date January 1, 2020 consists of 1,344 institutions. From these:

– 528 preschool educational institutions;

 – 521 general educational institutions;

– 165 institutions of additional education for children;

 – 103 professional organizations of secondary vocational education;

– 16 educational organizations of higher professional education;

– 2 educational organizations of additional professional education;

– 9 state scientific institutions”, – said the Minister.

Mikhail Kushakov told in detail about the work of the system of Preschool and General Secondary Education.

“Over the period of 2017-2019, the number of children aged 1,5 to 7 in the field of preschool education has increased by 9%, and the occupancy rate of institutions today is on the average 92%.

690 groups of Sanatorium and Special Purpose have been created and are functioning for more than 11 thousand children with psychophysical development disorders.

The teaching staff in pre-school educational institutions constitutes 6.5 thousand teachers.

The system of general secondary education of the Republic ensures the constitutional right of every minor to affordable, free and high-quality primary general, basic general and secondary general education. There are 489 municipal educational organizations, 23 Republican residential schools, 7 Republican lyceums subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People’s Republic, and 2 Republican interdepartmental educational organizations.

Over the period of 2017-2019:

– the student body of general education organizations has increased by 3% and constitutes 4.3 thousand students;

 – the number of first-graders has increased by 12% and constitutes more than 15 thousand students in 2019;

– the number of graduates who received certificates of basic and secondary general education increased by 16% and amounted to 24,617 students in 2019. Almost 5% of them were awarded the gold medal “for special academic achievements” and 2% – silver,” said the Head of the Department.

The Minister also covered the issues related to special, additional, secondary professional education and professional training in the Republic. Mikhail Kushakov stressed that special attention is paid to orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children with special needs.

The speaker shared information about the state of higher professional education and training of highly qualified personnel.

“In the academic year 2019-2020 educational activities are carried out by 16 educational institutions of higher professional education, 15 of which are of state ownership and 1 of private ownership.

The total student body in institutions of higher professional education over the past three years has increased by 7.8% and constitutes more than 51 thousand people.

The restructuring through the accession of the Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sports and the Donetsk Pedagogical Institute to the State Educational Organization of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk National University” was held to improve both the quality of student training and learning conditions enabling also their access to modern material, technical, and regulatory frameworks.

As at September 2019, 4 organizations of higher professional education in the Donetsk People’s Republic have received state accreditation in the Russian Federation.

Presently, in the Donetsk People’s Republic there are 25 dissertation Councils in 50 scientific spheres where 101 doctors of science from other countries are employed. Namely, 66 from the Russian Federation, 35 from the Luhansk People’s Republic,” added Mikhail Kushakov.

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