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The Minister of Education and Science Larisa Polyakova and deputies of the State Duma of Russian Federation have presented to the Donetsk children New Year's gifts


On December 26 in Donetsk circus "Kosmos" Minister of Education and Science Larisa Polyakova and deputies of the State Duma of Russian Federation from the Communist Party Kazbek Taysayev and Vladimir Rodin wished happy New Year to students of the educational organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Larisa Petrovna addressed the children, their teachers and parents who came for the festive New Year's program "In Leo Constellation" prepared by actors of the Russian circus company "Rosgostsirk" and Donetsk circus "Kosmos" congratulated all on the coming New Year's holidays and told what gifts were prepared by guests for children of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In the run-up to the celebration of New 2018 Moscow region, Moscow and Tula communists sent the 68th humanitarian convoy from near Moscow "Lenin State farm". Three multiton trucks with the most necessary food, artificial Christmas trees for New Year's mood and, of course, sweet New Year's gifts and toys for children, arrived in the Donetsk People's Republic. For the fourth time young inhabitants of our Republic have received such gifts from Deputy CPRF faction before New year's holyday.

The deputy of the State Duma of Russian Federation from the CPRF Kazbek Taysayev emphasized that, sending the freight, communists have once again proved that will never leave fraternal people of Donbass in a trouble. Cars from Voronezh, Kursk, Tula, Rostov region and the South of the Russian Federation joined the humanitarian convoy on the way and tangerines and apples which will also be received by the Donetsk children were added to New Year's gifts for children.

Kazbek Taysayev told about that humanitarian aid sent once again to Donbass: "Thanks to our humanitarian convoys civilians, children in kindergartens and schools receive necessary help. And in our turn we will do our best to help them".

The secretary of CPRF Vladimir Rodin noted: "In this pacage pioneer teams of Moscow collected gifts which are sent with our big freight to children of Donbass, and wish them to meet this New year with good mood. Thanks to our children, party offices who actively participate in collecting humanitarian aid. I wish success to the residents of Donbass!".

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