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Explanations about the Order of the organization of activities for programs of additional education of children


According to the Order of the organization and implementation of educational activities for educational programs of additional education of children approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR of July 26, 2016 for No. 793, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the DPR of September 02, 2016 at No. 1536, the additional education of children rendered at the expense of budgetary funds it is provided free of charge.

Preferential categories of receivers of free additional education of children:

- handicapped children;

- orphan children;

- children without parental support;

- children from large families;

- children of the persons equated on privileges and guarantees to participants of war and disabled veterans.

Organizations of additional education have the right to provide educational services on a paid basis.

Organizations of additional education can provide the following types of paid educational services:

- educational and developing services: studying of special disciplines over hours and over programs for this discipline provided by the curriculum;

- various courses: learning of foreign languages, etc.;

- various circles, studios, groups, etc.;

- organization of the developing occupations, seminars, trainings, master classes of art and esthetic orientation (dance, drawing, music etc.);

- health precautions directed to protection and strengthening of health of students: complex of valeological services; creation of sections, groups on strengthening of health: rhythmics, games, physical fitness; improving country camps, away sessions; school health improvement camps, health improvement platforms for the period of vacation; others;

- other services accompanying educational process if they don't restrain the basic educational process and don't belong to the educational activities financed from budget funds.

Paid educational services are provided with the consent of students and their legal representatives.

Rendering paid educational services can't cause damage or worsen quality of the main educational services.

Paid additional services providing doesn't belong to business activity.

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